Monday, October 26, 2009

Alcohol Abuse for Confidence

Here's a blog about how I use alcohol to gain more self-confidence.

It's not a pretty thing at all. I'm not glorifying it. It's actually a window into the mind of someone who uses alcohol in an abusive way, and how they deal with the everyday trials of life. Of course, I have gotten a lot better - there is no possible way that I could write this blog while being drunk all the damn time. I would not be able to concentrate on the product, only how much more alcohol I can drink before I have to go to sleep.

I am trying to overcome alcoholism, but not all the way. See, I actually like the effects of alcohol. In fact, I was dependent on its effects in order to function in everyday society. The tolerance I had and the desire to escape from my normal self were the catalysts into a light dependence. I started to wonder why I needed the drink so bad, and began reading a lot. I found some good information out there, and that information, combined with my own feelings and theories led me to cutting back, but not cutting out completely, drinking alcohol.

I believe that the heavy drinker of alcohol has a low self-esteem, and finds quickly that alcohol reduces or eliminates feelings of shame and awkwardness. Unfortunately, as the body grows tolerant, the drinker drinks harder every session. This eventually wears the person down until other side effects start showing up. The missing work, trouble with family and friends - all the shit they tell you about in AA is ultimately because the person uses alcohol to raise confidence.

I'll explore these topics later on, so stay tuned. There is a lot to understand about my point of view, and I hope you will find the stuff here at "Alcohol Abuse for Confidence" at least a little helpful.